DIY dead-dude storage facility

This 3D-printable loculus will add visual interest to your dungeons and crypts.

If you’ve ever wondered how you’re going to store all those dead bodies, we’ve got your back.

Devon thought about creating these tiles for years, and a Patron request finally got him moving. Based on the catacombs of Rome and the Draugr ruins from Skyrim, this is the perfect crypt accessory for keeping all those corpses from cluttering the floor. .  

The loculus offers a number of options.  For the slabs, there are empty slabs, a burial shroud and a skeleton.  For the top, choose between a flat top and an arch. Placing a few flat-topped slabs around an arched slab is a great way to make it look like the central structure houses a corpse with high-end loot – I mean, someone worthy of such respect.

When you print this set in separate pieces, you can position the top/arch using filament in the holes at the boundary between the top and the bottom.

These tiles – especially the skeleton – are best printed on a resin printer.  The skeleton bits are just too fine to work with FDM.  

Each slab is printed separately, so you can pick what you want in each loculus, or use empty ones and add bits from minis.

Grab the files:
